
This tab contains the settings related to housing management.


Chansey Hour

Set when you want Mew to teleport to your house to manage Garden/Retainer/Chocobo (5 AM = If ET is between 5-6AM). Important, make sure to not have any unspoiled right before otherwise the unspoiled may take the priority.

New House

Set the new house’s name.

Add New

It’ll create a new house named after what’s set in “New House”.

House Selection

Select the House you want to show/edit the settings of.

Delete Current

It’ll delete the currently selected House.



Set here is the house you want to manage.


Enable Gardenning

Enable/Disable the use of Gardenning feature.

Always Water

If Enable, it’ll water each time it’s using your Garden.

Garden Location

Set here your Garden Location.

Set Button

Easy way to set your Garden Location, move your character to your Garden and clicking on this button will set your Location as Garden Location.


Enable Retainer

Enable/Disable the use of Retainer feature.

Bell Location

Set here your Bell Location.

Set Button

Easy way to set your Bell Location, move your character to your Bell and clicking on this button will set your Location as Bell Location.


Enable Chocobo

Enable/Disable the use of Chocobo feature.

Clean Before

If Enable, it’ll try to clean your Stable first.

Chocobo to Feed

Set wich Chocobo(s) you want to feed :


Set which food you want to use while feeding chocobo(s).

Stable Location

Set here your Stable Location.

Set Button

Easy way to set your Stable location, move your character to your Stable and clicking on this button will set your location as Stable location.

Enable Chansey

Enable/Disable the use of Chansey mode.

Reset Chansey

Use this button to reset the Chansey tab’s settings.
